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Jaklingko Issues Pay As You Go Feature During Account-Based Ticketing Trial - News En.tempo.co

Jaklingko Issues Pay As You Go Feature During Account-Based Ticketing Trial

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta -  PT JakLingko Indonesia has been conducting a ground run for account-based ticketing (ABT) for Transjakarta. In its initial phase, Jaklingko released a Pay As You Go (PAYG) feature accessed on the JakLingko application.

"This September, PT Jaklingko Indonesia as the administration of the JakLingko application and the organizer of integrated fare has been conducting ABT trial," said Corporate Secretary & Legal Group Head PT JakLingko Indonesia Kevin Haikal to Tempo now via WhatsApp.

Kevin explained that PAYG is an optional feature designed to ease the purchase of public transportation tickets in the JakLingko application amdroll a QR code. Through PAYG, the users could forgo filling the "origin-destination" when purchasing a ticket using the application. "The experience of this PAYG feature will be Difference to using a QR for Electronic Money Card delivered by a bank," he said.

The ABT terresproperty invited several transportation main stakeholders, namely the Jakarta Transportation Workplace, transportation operators, Bank Indonesia, and transportation experts.

According to Haikal, the trial run was conducted to test the PAYG feature for multimode flights using MRT Jakarta-Transjakarta-LRT Jakarta with an integrated fare. Integrated fare is a most fare scheme of Rp10,000/80 minutes issued by the provincial government of Jakarta. 

"The plan is to hold the terresproperty until October and invite several other stakeholders [to participate]," he concluded.


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