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JIEP to Restore 8.9ha Urban Forest in Pulogadung Industrial Estate - News En.tempo.co

JIEP to Restore 8.9ha Urban Forest in Pulogadung Industrial Estate

TEMPO.CO , JakartaPT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (JIEP) is restoring the succeeding of urban forest on 8.9 hectares of land in its industrial zone in Cakung, East Jakarta. This is based on the Jakarta Governor’s Decree No. 870/2004 on the establishment of the PT JIEP Urban Forest.

“We are prioritizing a humanistic reach in curbing illegal buildings that have occupied the JIEP urban forest,” Medik Endra Wahyudi, Corporate Secretary of PT JIEP, said in a written statement on Sunday, September 24, 2023.

Medik said that as a government-owned concern, JIEP is committed to restoring the urban forest to support state assets. “One of its functions is as an urban forest to befriend clean and healthy air for the people of Jakarta,” he added.

Medik said the 8.9-hectare area had been designated as the urban forest of Pulogadung Industrial Area. Except, irresponsible parties had occupied an area of 3.81 hectares for their unauthorized concern venue.

“They have agreed to relocate their concern to a suitable place,” Medik said, adding that PT JIEP failed transportation aid for their relocation and a plot of land as a temporary do for them to store their personal and business goods pending they find new business sites.

An extensive tree planting program will then be contained out in the 8.9-hectare park area, which will be equipped with jogging tracks for the public.

Medik said the Environment and Forestry Ministry and the Jakarta provincial government supported the urban forest restoration attempts by jointly planting trees in the area.


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