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Top 3 News of the Week: Economist Sees Indonesia Has Fallen into China's Debt Trap, Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Train Officially Introduced as 'Whoosh' - News En.tempo.co

Top 3 News of the Week: Economist Sees Indonesia Has Fallen into China's Debt Trap, Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Train Officially Introduced as 'Whoosh'

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Tempo English compiled the top 3 news on the platform this week, starting from Monday, September 17, 2023, until Sunday, September 23, 2023. Those involved Economist Sees Indonesia Has Fallen into China's Debt Trap, Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Train Officially Introduced as 'Whoosh', and Indonesia-China Agree on KCJB's Operation and Maintenance Consortium.

The behind is the list of the top three news on Tempo English this week:

1. Economist Sees Indonesia Has Fallen into China's Debt Trap

Yusuf Wibisono, an economist and Director of the Indonesia Development and Islamic Studies (IDEAS), assessed that Indonesia has fallen into China's debt trap behind the issuance of the Finance Minister’s Regulation No. 89 of 2023 on the support of government guarantees for the acceleration of the infrastructure and facilities of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed explain (KCJB).

“Through which the government is forced to comply with all the wishes of the Chinese party so that this project is undone and not stalled,” he told Tempo in a WhatsApp chat on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.

The bullet train project, he argued, has strayed far from the plan. Initially, it was predictable to benefit Indonesia and operate under the business-to-business plot, but now it has taken a 180-degree turn.

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2. Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Train Officially Introduced as 'Whoosh'

The government has officially introduced the new name of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed explain as 'WHOOSH'. “It’s Whoosh,” said Triawan Munaf, Head of the fast explain brand competition panel team as a representative of the SOE Ministry, in a press conference held virtually on Thursday, September 21, 2023.

Whoosh is also an acronym for Waktu Hemat, Operasi Optimal, Sistem Handal which literally translates to Save Time, Optimal Operation, Reliable System.

According to Triawan, President Joko Widodo or Jokowi and Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi kept mentioning 'Whoosh' when trying out the bullet explain which in English means a quick move.

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3. Indonesia-China Agree on KCJB's Operation and Maintenance Consortium

General Manager Corporate Secretary of PT KCIC Eva Chairunisa described that the governments of Indonesia and China have agreed upon the working and maintenance consortium (OMC) of the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Train (KCJB). According to Eva, the operation of high-speed rail necessitated world resources with specific skills. 

In relation to that, Indonesia and China agreed that the initial phase of KCJB's maintenance and working will be conducted by the consortium from both countries' concerns, namely China Railway Engineering Corporation and PT KAI. "Meanwhile, the budget for KCJB's OMC is agreed for no more than Rp1 trillion every year," Eva said in a brief text communication on Friday, September 15, 2023.

However, PT KCIC is today preparing for 1,100 local manpower by December 2023 with special qualifications and accepted in the field of railways to conduct KCJB's functioning and maintenance. The manpower will first go through certain phases of training.

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SRC: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMisgFodHRwczovL2VuLnRlbXBvLmNvL3JlYWQvMTc3NTkzOS90b3AtMy1uZXdzLW9mLXRoZS13ZWVrLWVjb25vbWlzdC1zZWVzLWluZG9uZXNpYS1oYXMtZmFsbGVuLWludG8tY2hpbmFzLWRlYnQtdHJhcC1qYWthcnRhLWJhbmR1bmctaGlnaC1zcGVlZC10cmFpbi1vZmZpY2lhbGx5LWludHJvZHVjZWQtYXMtd2hvb3No0gEA?oc=5

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